Friday, March 28, 2008

final steps

and so i walked to the coast and had a swim in the ocean. It's hard to believe that i have completed my journey and find myself at the journeys end. What a truely amazing and extrodinary experience i have lived for the last 110 days; and the lands i have lived in and travelled through are just so beautiful and awe inspiring. I feel so blessed that my path has taken me here.

will write again soon

thanks for all of your love and support


Sunday, March 16, 2008


seem to have been delayed..... somehow and not sure how I've managed to strain my glut muscle...however after a couple more days rest feel that it's healing and all ready to go I;'ll set off on the 17th. I'm quite aware that this next section is going to be pretty remote and hard work and don't really want to carry an injury or to adapt my route. so i've had a full week off now and all inspired and mostly healed enough now to continue. so finish date will now be around the 1st or 2nd april .... as always weather depending, cross fingers. x

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Te Anau

so i have reached the last big section of my trip, heading off today into the wilds of fiordland..I;m sure it will be beautiful and hope that I shall reach the ocean for a swim. fingers crossed for good weather and deer trails to take me through the thickest scrub. strange to be on the last section and makes me realise that one day this journey will end, i think i will be sad about that a little.

since the last time I wrote there has been many lovely adventures. From makarora my route took me up the wilkin valley and over rabbit pass into the east matukituki valley, lovely pass and a spectacular pass, loved it. But when I came out of the forest in the valley wandered into a whole tribe of cows and got chased into the mountains again by a bull intent on telling me to get out of his territory, and for me this has been the scariest part of the trip as he seemed quite intent on getting me and crashed into the bushes after me, luckily I can climb better that bulls.

Got stuck in aspiring hut for a day or two due to water falling down, seem to have lost the settled lovely weather that has been with me for the last month or two..oh well. but crossed cascade saddle and wandered down the Dart river. Had to do a 30 km road walk to get to a bridge as I couldn't cross the river, and then had to change plans again. I had wanted to do a couple of route type passes to get into the greenstone valley, but the weather made it seem like a bad idea so took a diversion through the routeburn and down the greenstone. These are well travelled valleys through my feet, and it feeled right to be doing the routeburn in a day where 150mls of rain falled.

I met my mother at the end of the greenstone track, arriving with mounds of lovely food, and seemed to eat my way through the mavora walkway with her. Lovely to share some of the journey with her.

A 60 km road walk(yuck!) has brought me to te anau. with a huge rest break and now seeming to have problems getting out of here due to a couple of things.... but will leave soon, I managed to get to manapouri yesterday and tomorrow will head off again.

should finish at the end of the month. will be at port craig around the 29/30 ( ish) so if anybody want to come and say hello, I'll see you there.. if not... see you whenever! Feeling quite excited about this section as it will preobably be the remotest and most wild section...but will take the time to check in with myself if it the right way to go...if it doesn't feel right once I get in there there will be a plan change. we'll see how it goes!!!